A lightweight and versatile compass designed mainly for use in light aircraft with provision for easy installation in a variety of locations. The easy installation is facilitated by a range of adjustable installation systems, which ensure the compass can be mounted in the best visual and optimal magnetic location.
Clear Vision, Fluorescent Yellow legend, Blue LED illumination and compact size make this compass perfect for all light aircraft applications. A special magnetic correction system ensures accurate headings and silicone damping delivers consistent controlled magnetic direction.
The "Navigator" delivers extremely accurate readings due to its fully integrated, 4 magnet correction design. It has the same features as the "Pegasus", but is mounted with a fully adjustable bracket that allows attachment to a variety of positions including the glare-shield or the windshield. This allows the compass to be located away from magnetic influences. The compasses are compatible with a range of installation variations to enable seamless integration into any cockpit type. The Navigators are dual voltage which means they can be fitted to a 12 or 28V power source.
The compasses hold ETSO and TSO C7d approval, leading to selection by many leading aircraft manufacturers, including; Cessna, Cirrus, Diamond and Vans.
The "Non-Lit" version compass card legend is Florescent Yellow and does not have illumination. The "Lit" version compass card legend is White and has illumination. Up to 30° magnetic correction can be achieved for directional errors and alignment accuracy can be optimised by rotating the compass body about its support.

Specification table

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Many of SIRS’ aircraft compasses are used in military fixed wing and rotary aircraft and helicopters, as shown left in the Tiger HAD.