Custom Design
SIRS is an approved design organisation, with approval from the CAA for the design of Aircraft Magnetic Compasses. (Approval Ref AP-221 within Part 21A.602B (b)(2)).
Using the latest design software, SIRS can fully develop an idea, In-House from concept to serial production. Our design abilities and the compass variations we are able to offer have enabled SIRS to obtain a large market share in the aviation industry by seamlessly integrating our compasses into our customer’s cockpits. SIRS offer the highest quality products, providing outstanding performance with easy installation and set-up.
SIRS utilise third party test house facilities for the qualification and verification stages of development. Qualification tests we have previously completed are inclusive of;
Fluid susceptibility
Salt spray
All aircraft compasses have been designed to meet the stringent requirements of the CAA, EASA and FAA specifications: ESTO-C7d and TSO-C7d.

Qualifiction Testing
SIRS fully validate its products with comprehensive RTCA derived environmental tests to ensure customer requirements are met. SIRS utilise third party test houses to complete these tests. The compasses have undergone most tests specified by RTO C7D, however SIRS would be willing to accommodate and additional tests required by the Customer on a new or existing product.

Design Software
SIRS utilise the latest versions of Solidworks to detail precise drawings for the manufacture of its products. SIRS complete 3D modelling of components and final assembly compasses. 3D modelling enables precise and accurate manufacture of components from our Supply Chain, which contributes to the highest quality compasses being produced.
The use of Solidworks enables SIRS to deliver a complete model to its Customers for installation into their cockpits to determine fit, form and function. This assists for both existing products and new design projects.

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